Results for 'Gaye Çankaya Eksen'

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  1.  22
    Problème d’expression de l’unité de la société politique : Balibar et Spinoza.Gaye Çankaya Eksen - 2015 - Rue Descartes 85-85 (2):177.
  2.  24
    Etkin Diğerk'mlık Düşüncesi ve Pratiğini Spinoza ile Birlikte Düşünmek.Gaye Çankaya Eksen - 2023 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):170-184.
    Çağdaş düşünür Peter Singer’ın toplumsal eşitliğin tesisi için ortaya koyduğu etkin diğerkâmlık anlayışı kaynakların eşit paylaşımı yoluyla insanlar arası bir ortaklık ruhunun güçlendirilmesini ve bu ortaklık ruhunun demokratik bir politik vizyonun temeli olmasını hedefler. Singer’ın etkin diğerkâmlık teori ve pratiğinde açıkça Spinozacı bir köken olduğu ifade edilmese de, aralarında yüzyıllar olan bu iki düşünürün insanlar arası ilişkileri saf bir güç çatışması ve güçlü olanın hayatta kalması anlayışına indirgemeye dair bir direnç ve bu direncin belirlediği bir birlikte yetkinleşme fikri çevresinde buluştukları (...)
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    Spinoza et Sartre: de la politique des singularités à l'éthique de générosité.Gaye Çankaya Eksen - 2017 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Au premier abord, les visées et les méthodes philosophiques de Spinoza et de Sartre semblent radicalement différentes. Or, ces différences radicales se trouvent dépassées dès qu'on se penche sur une problématique commune à ces deux philosophes : la production et le maintien de la communauté libre. Une interrogation philosophique sur la question de l'articulation de l'éthique et de la politique nous donnera la possibilité d'évaluer ces philosophes comme les constituants d'une certaine théorie anticontractualiste se fondant spécifiquement sur l'idée de l'émancipation (...)
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  4. Universals of Human Thought Some African Evidence /Edited by Barbara Lloyd, John Gay. --. --.Barbara B. Lloyd, John Gay & African Studies Centre - 1981 - Cambridge University Press, 1981.
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    Descartes and Spiritual Exercises.Kerem Eksen - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (1):73-92.
    The present study is an attempt to contribute to the debates on the relationship between spiritual traditions and Descartes’s Meditations. Taking its point of departure from Pierre Hadot’s inspiring studies, the article aims to describe the nature of the philosophical practice that Meditations embodies and to discuss the ways in which the work can be located in the history of the relations between theory and practice. To this end, Hadot’s suggestion that Meditations should be read as a set of spiritual (...)
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  6. William C. Gay -- philosophy and the nuclear debate.William C. Gay - 1984 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 10 (3-4):1-8.
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    Undesirable Student Behaviors Faced by Classroom Teachers and Ways of Coping With.İbrahim Çankaya - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:307-316.
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  8. Inward turn and the Augustinian self.Kerem Eksen - 2010 - Diametros 25:132-145.
    The aim of the present paper is to reconsider Augustine’s role in the history of the concept of self. Our analysis is based on Charles Taylor's account of the Augustinian inward turn. Taylor argues that Augustine's project played a key role in the development of the modern notion of self, because the idea of "inward turn" led the thinker to give the idea of "self-reflexivity" a major position and made him the forefather of the Cartesian cogito. However, we think that (...)
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    Köy Edebiyatı Ve Türk Edebiyatında Köye.Erol Çankaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 4):473-488.
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    Platon Homerosu Neden Sevmezdi?Aylin Çankaya - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:4):1495-1512.
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    Türk Köyü Köy Edebiyatına Nasıl Yansıdı? Köy Enstitülü Yazarlarda Tematik Eğilimler.Erol Çankaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):49-49.
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    The Prevocational Burnout Levels of Teacher Candidates.İbrahim Çankaya - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:751-758.
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    The Rise Of Modern Literature In Turkey Within The Context Of Political And Social Changes - Its Roots And Effects.Erol Çankaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8:83-99.
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    Xx. Yüzyıl Âşık Edebiyatında Aktüel Şiir Değerlendirmesi.Mahir Cankaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):587-587.
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    A Philosophy of Emptiness.Gay Watson - 2014 - Reaktion Books.
    We often view emptiness as a negative condition, a symptom of depression, despair, or grief—an assessment furthered by authors like Franz Kafka or the existentialists, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Offering an alternative view, _A Philosophy of Emptiness_ reclaims these hollow feelings as a positive and even empowering state, an antidote to the modern obsession with substance and foundation. Digging through early and non-Western philosophy, Gay Watson uncovers a rich history of emptiness. She travels from Buddhism, Taoism, and religious mysticism (...)
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  16. The Enlightenment: An Interpretation.Peter Gay - 1968 - Diderot Studies 10:303-312.
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    Erzincan Ağzından Derleme Sözlüğüne Katkılar.Mahir Cankaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):899-899.
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  18. The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud. Vol. I: Education of the Senses.Peter Gay - 1984 - Science and Society 48 (3):376-379.
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    In Praise of Involvement.Paul du Gay & Laura J. Spence - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):833-838.
    Involvement is an important element of good research and a route to impact. In line with early organizational analysis, we advocate involvement with research stakeholders and investing in the necessary communication and rhetorical skills.
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    On the Eve of the 21st Century: Perspectives of Russian and American Philosophers.William Gay & T. A. Alekseeva (eds.) - 1994 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'A groundbreaking cooperative effort by Russian and Western philosophers to analyze the developing new world order.'-Robert L. Homes, University of Rochester.
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    What Do Group Members Share? The Privileged Status of Cultural Knowledge for Children.Gaye Soley - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12786.
    An essential aspect of forming representations of social groups is to recognize socially relevant attributes licensed by the group membership. Because knowledge of cultural practices tends to be transmitted through social contact within social groups, it is one of the fundamental attributes shared among members of a social group. Two experiments explored whether 5‐ and 6‐year‐olds selectively attribute shared cultural knowledge on the basis of group membership of agents. Using novel social groups, children were introduced to one target agent and (...)
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    The enlightenment.Peter Gay (ed.) - 1967 - London,: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
  23. Article Abstracts & Keywords.Gay Morris - unknown - Body and Society 11 (4).
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    The party of humanity.Peter Gay - 1963 - New York,: Knopf.
  25.  39
    Using Anonymized Reflection To Teach Ethics: a Pilot Study.Gaye Kyle - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):6-16.
    Anonymized reflection was employed as an innovative way of teaching ethics in order to enhance students' ability in ethical decision making during a `Care of the Dying Patient and Family' module. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from the first two student cohorts who experienced anonymized reflection ( n = 24). The themes identified were the richness and relevance of scenarios, small-group work and a team approach to teaching. Students indicated that they preferred this style of teaching. This finding (...)
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    Shared cultural knowledge: Effects of music on young children’s social preferences.Gaye Soley & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2016 - Cognition 148 (C):106-116.
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  27. Bernard Williams on practical necessity.Robert J. Gay - 1989 - Mind 98 (392):551-569.
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    Monitoring Multinationals: Lessons from the Anti-Apartheid Era.Gay W. Seidman - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (3):381-406.
    This article examines the construction and implementation of the Sullivan Principles, a two-decade effort to use corporate codes of conduct to improve the behavior of multinational corporations in South Africa under apartheid. Without organized social movement pressure, corporations would not have agreed to adopt the code, and corporate compliance required sustained pressure from the anti-apartheid movement. The system's independent monitoring process was problematic, and managers' definitions of “good corporate citizenship” were more guided by monitors'emphases than by substantive concerns. Based on (...)
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    The effects of an irrelevant intertrial task on pattern discrimination in rats with hippocampal damage.Gay B. Alexander, Belinda Broome & Larry W. Means - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (6):459-461.
  30. A normative framework for addressing peace and related global issues.William Gay - manuscript
    Plato said that as long as wisdom and power, or philosophy and politics, are separated, “there can be no rest from troubles.”1 In The Republic, he sought to forge such a union. For over two millennia, from Plato through John Rawls, philosophers have put forward models for the just state.2 Despite these ongoing efforts, W. B. Gallie contends, “No political philosopher has ever dreamed of looking for the criteria of a good state viz-à-viz [sic] other states.”3 I will argue that (...)
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    Lo divino en lo humano: ensayos filosóficos.Federico Ferro Gay - 2003 - Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Edited by Heriberto Ramírez.
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    (1 other version)The Party of Humanity: Essays in the French Enlightenment.Peter Gay - 1964 - New York: Knopf, 1964 c1963.
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  33. Zygmunt Bauman.Peter Gay & Marco Orru - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (2):134.
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    Alasdair MacIntyre and the Christian genealogy of management critique.Paul du Gay - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):421-444.
    This paper attempts to account for the peculiarly ‘otherworldly’ character of much contemporary management critique. It does so rather circuitously by focusing upon elements of the work of a moral philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre. MacIntyre's comments about the ‘character’ of the ‘manager’ have commanded considerable support within critical organizational and management studies and have been regularly cited by critical intellectuals, keen to unmask an ethical and emotional vacuum at the heart of contemporary management practice. In what follows, I attempt to show (...)
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    The social meaning of common knowledge across development.Gaye Soley & Begüm Köseler - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104811.
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    William James: a biography.Gay Wilson Allen - 1967 - London,: Hart-Davis.
  37. Symbolic Blackness and Ethnic Difference in Early Christian Literature.Gay L. Byron - 2002
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  38. Ricoeur on metaphor and ideology.William C. Gay - 1992 - Darshana International 32 (1):59-70.
    arguments concerning whether such changes are creative. [2] Less frequently addressed are questions about how to assess the perceptual implications of these linguistic innovations. [3] Using insights of Ricoeur and, to a lesser extent, M. Merleau Ponty and V. N. Volosinov, I will provide a model for evaluating a certain class of linguistic innovations, namely, new uses of language which rely upon distortion of typical perceptual associations. (Excluded from such new linguistic uses are, for example, analogical innovations, as presented by (...)
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  39. The New Reign of Terror: The Politics of Defining Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism.William C. Gay - 2007 - In Gail M. Presbey (ed.), Philosophical Perspectives on the War on Terrorism. Rodopi. pp. 23-33.
    “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” So begins Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. While he was writing about London and Paris during the turbulent times associated with the rise of the British Industrial Revolution and the French Political Revolution, these lines express the current sentiments of many Americans. Before 11 September 2001, many people thought we were living in the best of times. Baby boomers were relishing in the prospects that through inheritance (...)
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  40. Nuclear warfare and morality.William Gay - unknown
    In each decade of the nuclear age, philosophers have provided critical reflections on the nature, use, and consequences of nuclear weapons. Frequently, these reflections have addressed the morality of producing, testing, deploying, and using nuclear weapons. Already, these philosophical reflections have passed through four phases and are now entering a fifth phase. The first phase stretches from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima to the above ground nuclear tests at Bikini Atoll. From the initial use of atomic weapons in 1945 to (...)
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  41. Walt Whitman, his relation to science and philosophy.William Gay - 1895 - Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions.
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    Memory, Trauma, and Embodied Distress: The Management of Disruption in the Stories of Cambodians in Exile.Gay Becker, Yewoubdar Beyene & Pauline Ken - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (3):320-345.
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  43. The language of civility and resistance: a critique of tolerance and violence.William Gay - 2019 - In Amin Asfari (ed.), Civility, Nonviolent Resistance, and the New Struggle for Social Justice. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
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  44. The Party of Humanity.Peter Gay - 1966 - Diderot Studies 8:319-326.
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    Progress and Values in the Humanities: Comparing Culture and Science.Volney Patrick Gay - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Money and support tend to flow in the direction of economics, science, and other academic departments that demonstrate measurable "progress." The humanities, on the other hand, offer more abstract and uncertain outcomes. A humanist's objects of study are more obscure in certain ways than pathogens and cells. Consequently, it seems as if the humanities never truly progress. Is this a fair assessment? By comparing objects of science, such as the brain, the galaxy, the amoeba, and the quark, with objects of (...)
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    The Enlightenment: a comprehensive anthology.Peter Gay (ed.) - 1973 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    This book includes fifty-six selections from many countries, including France, England, Scotland, the German and Italian states, the American colonies, and Russia.
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    Gendered citizenship: South Africa's democratic transition and the construction of a gendered state.Gay W. Seidman - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (3):287-307.
    The tendency for abstract theorists of democratization to overlook gender dynamics is perhaps exacerbated in the South African case, where racial inequality is obviously key. Yet, attention to the processes through which South African activists inserted gender issues into discussions about how to construct new institutions provides an unusual prism through which to explore the gendered character of citizenship. After providing an explanation for the unusual prominence of gender concerns in South Africa's democratization, the article argues that during the drawn-out (...)
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  48. Myths about nuclear war: Misconceptions in public belefs and governmental plan.William C. Gay - 1982 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 9 (2):116-144.
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    Interlude : La diversité, notre atout majeur.Gay Mcdougall - 2003 - Diogène 203 (3):68-69.
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    Réflexions à propos de “Routinizing the Unexpected”.Gaye Tuchman - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    Lorsqu’on m’a demandé de commenter mon article « Making news by doing work », je ne l’avais pas relu depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années. Cependant, j’avais l’intuition que mon analyse sur ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui les « legacy media », les médias traditionnels, s’appliquerait de façon pertinente aux pratiques en pleine évolution des personnes travaillant dans les médias digitaux. Il y a plus de quarante ans, je postulai que les employés des médias traditionnels avaient élaboré des manières...
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